Activity Books for Kindergarteners

Kaitlin Jerden, Cen10 News Reporter

Every year students from all schools across Texas can stretch their minds with the challenge of creating activity books for kindergarteners. Each Digital Interactive Media class gets their chance to create amazing designs and styles to best suit the needs of the lessons.

Few activity books actually get chosen to be distributed to actual classes to be worked in. The following books will be distributed to many elementary schools in Frisco ISD.

Curtsinger- Elyse Ogden

Christie- Hayden Smith

Gunstream- Hayley Spaeth

Shawnee Trail- Elyse Ogden and Hebah Tanveer

Smith- Elyse Ogden and Peyton Stryker

“For the activity book project, the only thing we were told was what the kids at the elementary school need to learn as they advance to the next grade and to pick a theme,” junior DIM student Peyton Stryker said. “The teachers at the elementary schools gave us a list of expectations for the kids and with that, we could choose to design our activity book however we like.”

The activity books mostly consisted of drawing pages, mazes, puzzles, and anything else that a teacher would find useful for their students. Through the creativity of the DIM classes the coloring pages had a variety of animals and other interesting scenes.

“I feel very honored that my activity books was one that was chosen and I think it’s so cool that we were given the opportunity to have our work shown like this,” Stryker said.

The maze and puzzle activities help children think outside the box and work on their own problem solving skills. Most importantly, these books help teach students how to write and follow directions. By allowing students to create these books, they open up the doors for creativity and knowledge to spread across all ages.
