Every Senior’s (Least) Favorite Time of the Year


A student surrounded by books and pens with their laptop open on college applications

FRISCO, TEXAS- The start of the year gently prepares us for the frenzy that is about to rain down on Centennial High’s seniors: the future being frighteningly close. We stare at our transcripts, and wonder if we should have worked harder, reached out more. Every story in our life is a chance for a college essay, every favorite teacher a chance for a recommendation. We’ve complained about high school for the past four years, and now already crave its comforting familiarity. 

There are, on the other hand, many directions we can go after we walk off that stage. While our environment has ingrained in us the mindset that success is defined by how prestigious a college you can get into, that is absolutely not the case. The national percentage of high schoolers pursuing a college degree in 2021 was 61.8 percent, which leaves nearly half of all l students deciding to go for other options, each just as viable. 

Mr. Sears, an assistant principal at Centennial High School, shared his engrossing story, which involved going to community college, working here and there, and finally, joining the military. 

“If you want to get out there, see the world, military is the way, but it does make you grow up very fast.” 

For students who are considering this option, he advises you to thoroughly research which branch would suit you best. The military helped him later on his teaching career as well. 

“I learnt to prioritize things that matter, and to do better, always.” 

Other than enlistment, trade school is often an economically sound decision for graduates. A college diploma, on an average, costs $100,000, while a trade school diploma can cost lower than $16,000. It not only takes less time, but offers a direct entry towards a job you like. Similarly, joining the workforce can work out to be a practical pathway, and students can always pursue further education later in life if they desire to. 

Many high schoolers opt for a gap year, and the benefits to that are many. Often, a break from studying can help us make clearer decisions about what we want to be, or it leaves us a year to work, earn, and gain real life skills. Gap year programs give students enriching experiences and prepare them more thoroughly for college, giving their mind and body a break from the strenuous years of school-life. 

That being said, an interview with one of Centennial High School’s counselors, Kate Andersen, answered some of our seniors’ most asked questions. 

When asked what students could do right this moment towards their college applications or post-graduate plans, she replied with “Research, research, research.” 

She recommended Xello, a site that assists you in choosing where exactly you want to apply to. Nothing is wiser than being fully prepared on which direction you want to take your future, before the application process begins. Students tend to feel distressed and overburdened, and not without cause. 

“Manage your time correctly, do not procrastinate about the whole process, as there are some hard and fast deadlines that you cannot escape,” Ms. Andersen advised, and fortunately for students, the counselors have already begun introducing the procedure in senior English classes, for both students and their parents. 

With such thorough assistance and support, seniors should not have anything to worry about. Right before the bouts of senioritis hits, it is imperative they start giving some thought to their future plans, no matter what they may be. If they have any questions or doubts, their respective counselors would be more than happy to assist them.