Get to Know Diwali
FRISCO, TEXAS- Squizzle Squizzle, the sparklers shrieked. The shadows of people holding sticks with small spheres of electricity lit up the night. Other light sources included string lights on the roofs of houses, diyas, and candles on the corners of window sills. The aroma of foreign sweets filled the air outside the houses with the chatter of people lurking outside. These wonders take place in an annual event that takes place in the fall called Diwali. It is a popular festival that you probably have heard of. Diwali is well known from the standpoint of how it came to be and its meaning. It’s supported by its link to Sanskrit and the scriptural values it’s associated with.
According to, “Diwali (also called Divali or Deepavali) is a “festival of lights” that celebrates the triumph of light over dark and good over evil, and the blessings of victory, freedom, and enlightenment.”
There is a range of how long the celebration lasts. Depending on the place that Diwali is taking place in, it can either be celebrated in one day or a couple of days.
“In most of India, Diwali consists of a five-day celebration that peaks on the third day with the main celebration of Diwali. In other places where Diwali occurs, usually[,] only the main day is celebrated,” says
Other places aren’t limited to just Asia. Many people can celebrate Diwali- even if they aren’t Indian or have any ties to them! Hinduism doesn’t require any requirements to honor it and accepts other beliefs and paths. Having different forms of God is part of the culture, so there are many celebrators part of other faiths.
According to an article by Gale Collections, Diwali is primarily celebrated by… Hindu, Sikh, and Jain.. faith [followers]. However, the holiday is celebrated throughout India, Singapore, and several other South Asian countries as a national holiday…[, so] people outside these religions may participate.…[C]ommunities in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, and elsewhere… regularly celebrate Diwali.”
Many customs and traditions are popular on the days celebrated. There are specific activities for each day, and some of the most popular happen on the main day.
The Almanac website says that “[o]n the third day—the main day of Diwali—families gather and celebrate by lighting lanterns and candles in their homes and the streets, and by shooting off fireworks!”
According to the place people live in, fireworks are allowed legally during this time. In other places, sparklers are lit discreetly in the backyards of lit houses. Candles are left around and outside the house to keep away any misfortune for the day. According to the scale of the celebration in that particular neighborhood, the streets may be lit up as well. In India, the lighting can be especially elaborate, and entire cities are likely to be lit. Diyas often float on lakes and rivers to create beautiful scenery. It’s a unique experience for each person.
Overall, there are many similarities and differences between the part of the world that celebrate this festival. The experience will depend on different factors, but it’ll be fun to spend with friends and family alike.

I'm one of the editors-in-chief this year and this is my third year on the newspaper team! I'm excited to improve and expand on new things for Titan Times...