CHS Masterpieces: VASE and its competitors

Kiera Notman

VASE Piece 2023 for Kiera Notman

FRISCO, TEXAS — It has been a busy couple months for the artists of Centennial High School as they prepare for VASE, the Visual Arts Scholastic Event. Students from all over the region bring their artwork to receive medals and maybe move on to state VASE . One artist at CHS, Kiera Notman, a senior AP Drawing student, has completed her preparation and is ready to compete. 

This year, VASE is Saturday, February 18th, and Notman has put a lot of work into her piece, refining it over many class periods and at home. Students do VASE for many reasons, experience, recognition, the reward, or even just the process of creating something they put their emotions into. 

“I’m doing VASE because I love the feeling of accomplishment after finishing the process, and I enjoy the interview process over a piece I worked hard on,” Notman stated. 

Notman submitted one piece, and like many other artists engaging in VASE, she has expectations for herself, and her piece. 

“I hope to get a high rating on it, but to also have a really solid interview over my artwork,” she said. 

There’s a process to art, just like there is to many other facets of life. Notman’s main medium is watercolor and she painstakingly revises and redoes even the smallest parts of her artwork. 

“I created a watercolor perspective piece of a garden shop…I began by gridding and sketching out my paper from my reference photo… I inked out my piece, using a contrast… to add an illustrative effect. Then I began watercoloring with several different techniques. I ended by touching up another layer of ink over the watercolor to darken the lines and reiterate the illustrative style of my piece,” she explained.

Once the preparation is over, the last step is actually going to VASE and showcasing your work, and thus, your skills to the judges and whoever else sees your work. 

State VASE is a huge accomplishment for just a fraction of the mass amounts of students participating in the main event. Hopes are high for students just like Notman here at Centennial. 

“I would love the idea of going to state, but I would also be perfectly content with simply getting a good score and having a nice interview,” Notman said.

VASE has created a buzz amongst art students every year, and the talented participants are ready to participate. Notman is excited to showcase her piece and show judges what students at Centennial can do.