As we approach early November, something big is coming up for our voting-aged Titans: voter registration! This year is a presidential election year, meaning that as our Titans turn 18, they will have the opportunity to vote and participate in choosing our future leaders.
In the 1940´s, the youngest voters were 21-year-old males. As the youth became more and more interested in politics and voting, the fight to have the voting age lowered to 18 began, resulting in the ratification of the 26th Amendment. “Old enough to fight, old enough to vote” became a popular slogan, representing the belief that those who are able to fight for their country should be able to have a voice in the decisions pertaining to them.
“I’m incredibly excited to be able to participate in the voting process and it makes me feel so grown up!” shared senior Valeria Martinez.
The ability to vote symbolizes the shift to adulthood for many. It represents the growth and responsibilities that are now available to 18-year-olds.
While the excitement of voting in the 2024 election is palpable, there are a few key things to remember before the deadlines approach.
This year, the elections are taking place on Nov. 5th; however, things can be done before then. Early voting takes place from Oct. 21 to Nov. 1. To submit a mail-in vote, a person must have requested a ballot by Oct. 25 and returned it by mail by 7 p.m. on Nov. 5.
The privilege to vote is one that people of all ages should take seriously. Choosing the President is one of the most critical decisions a U.S. citizen can make, as the leader will make decisions that impact everyone’s life. Make your voice heard: go vote!