FRISCO, TX – For over 20 years, students have walked through Centennial High School’s rotunda, glancing at the murals on the walls and finding their way to their classes. There, students can find football game dates, upcoming theatre productions, and more. Recently, the rotunda has had a couple of new additions to its walls, giving the students even more information about what is happening on campus.
The first addition is the labeling for the two major hallways at Centennial. Looking up, students will see two posters on the handrails for the stairs on each side of the rotunda. One reads “A Hall” and the other “B Hall.”. These posters act as guidance for students who are new to the school and need help finding their way around.
The most striking change, however, is the installation of two brand-new TVs that sit above the display cabinets. These TVs display a rotation of different videos and pictures of what’s happening around the school. There’s footage of the Varsity Volleyball team’s wins, the football games, and other various events that Centennial chooses to promote.
Junior Shradha Bhandare speaks about the introduction of the TVs.“I think it’s good because they highlight our school’s most recent achievements. I’ve seen pictures of the teachers and other things.” Bhandare said.
Overall, these changes help students feel more connected to the school. They can easily see upcoming events during mornings and passing periods and with the addition of the markings for A hall and B hall, students new or old, can easily get around school.