FRISCO, TEXAS – Next school year (2025-2026), Centennial is adding a Partners in Art course. The class focuses on providing special needs students an environment in which they are supported by fellow students who assist them with creating art.
Art teacher Chana Jayme shared more about the process of getting the Partners in Art class to Centennial.
“I actually taught Partners in Art for five years at another high school. When I came here, I noticed we didn’t have it… I know we have a Partners in PE class, so we were looking at it more intensely last year and then finally we figured out the correct process to get it into here. I’m checking [with] administration to make sure we can offer this program,” Jayme said.
As far as class content goes, Partners in Art is structured similarly to any other art class offered at Centennial.
“We have the same standards, the same TEKS. The modifications are gonna be there to help [students] depending on the[ir] levels of ability. We’re still gonna study our elements, our principles, art history, and our projects will be aimed at helping those students develop their skills and understanding of art,” Jayme shared.
The class is structured with half of the students being special needs and the other half being students there to assist special needs students with creating artwork.
With any class, feeling supported is always a welcome feeling, which is what Partners in Art strives to do.
“I think it’s important to support every student in an art class and to have this class specifically aimed at having partners to help these kiddos… develop their art skills, and build leadership qualities in all our students, I think is an excellent thing for the school,” Jayme shared.
Not only are the needs of students being met with this new course but the district motto is being put to the test.
“You know, Frisco’s theme is ‘know every [student by] name and need.’ This is the need we have, especially because we have a very big special needs program here, and these are the needs we need to have and it’s gonna benefit every student,” Jayme shared.
Students interested in joining Partners in Art can fill out the form by scanning the QR code on the Partners in Art posters located in the hallways.
Ms. Jayme elaborated on the types of students she’s looking for.
“I need kids that are understanding of what they’re gonna be doing in the class. It takes patience, it takes understanding, it takes kindness, it takes responsibility. They’re also gonna help with projects. Perhaps they come in with an idea of maybe a project or art history-themed idea they want to do. [They should] not only understand, but enjoy art, and enjoy the process of [making] art,” Jayme said.
Any questions about the Partners in Art course can be directed to [email protected] or you can find her in B120.