Loco Hoco
Centennial's Homecoming was filled with many surprises, creating a crazy couple of days
October 23, 2015
Flooded with mums, garters and school spirit, the hallways of Centennial were in the midst of preparing for Homecoming. The game was scheduled for seven on Thursday night and the students were waiting for the anticipated game against the Liberty Redhawks. On Saturday night, the students will get dressed up to attend the Black and White Tie, James Bond, themed Hoco Dance.
Homecoming is one of the essential memories of everyone’s high school career. This year we captured the memories and attempted to put those speechless moments into words.

Mums the Word
Titans wear mums in celebration of Homecoming
Many Titans were adorned with festive mums on Thursday, October 22 to show off their school spirit and excitement for homecoming. Fall in Texas means mums in high school. Mums can be traced back to China where chrysanthemums, the large flower in the center of the mums, were written about in ancient scriptures as they were healing herbs used as a remedy for headaches. Later, mums were introduced at the University of Missouri in 1911 where the first Homecoming took place, when boys gave their girlfriends a white chrysanthemums as a corsage, creating the mum.
Over the years mums have become more popular and stayed prominent in Texas. Many of our Titans continued this tradition by wearing their festive artificial mums to school.

Centennial Pep rally (Photo By Emma Bittner)
Homecoming Pep Rally
The school day comes to an end with a pep rally to announce the 2015 Homecoming Court
Feathers, glitter, ribbons and more clutter the hallway, framing the aftermath of homecoming mums. The halls are silent and only a few lone teachers are wandering the halls towards the flow of students into the competition gym. Wild with energy, the homecoming pep rally is filled with cheerleaders pumping up the crowd, the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders and mascot paired with our own Centennial mascot talking to students and the potential Homecoming Court. Everything is building up to the anticipated unveiling of the Homecoming King and Queen, along with a Prin
ce and Princess for each grade level.
Though, before we get ahead of ourselves, much more happened before the Homecoming Court announcement. Most importantly, two Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders, the Mascot and representatives from “Whataburger Coach of the Week” presented our very own Coach Mullins with a $2,000 check for winning. After the Sweethearts and Cheerleaders gave enthusiastic performances the time had come. Each group of representatives stood in front of their class waiting for Prince and Princess to be called.

entennial Homecoming court
Blame it on the Rain
The Homecoming game was delayed three times before being rescheduled for Friday
A downpour of catastrophes occurred on Thursday at the Homecoming game. Band, color guard, Sweethearts, fans, officials, Homecoming Court and families were packed into Toyota Stadium when it began to pour. After filling in the stands with ponchos and umbrellas, FISD officials delayed the game due to lightning for 45 minutes.
During the delay, the Homecoming Court was ushered upstairs to the press box where pictures were taken and the court was presented to a select group of people.
After taking a collage of pictures, the court headed back down to where everyone was taking cover from the weather. Once we returned, the game was delayed for another 45 minutes. Though, there were some dedicated fans still in the stands holding a “#1’s biggest fan” sign.
Finally, after being delayed three times, the game was finally canceled and would be rescheduled for another day. Disappointed fans flowed out of the stadium to their rides. Sad, soaked and sour fans were upset about the game being canceled for this was not only an important game for the football team, it was also Homecoming.

Let’s Dance The Night Away
007 takes Homecoming 2015. With the James Bond Black Tie theme students came to seek out a good time. Starting at eight and going until eleven, dozens of people showed up in sleek dresses and suits, ready to dance the night away.
Making Memories
A collection of pictures of students in the days leading up to Homecoming
The days leading up to the homecoming dance were filled with mums, madness and more rain.