What’s New With Cen10

Changes and Additions Made to the Centennial Halls This School Year


Emma Bittner, Co Editor-in-Chief

Purple hair, ripped jeans, a nose piercing and a new outlook on school, Centennial made some crucial new additions for the upcoming year.

With the solar eclipse and summer ticking down, August 21 was the eventful day where Frisco ISD welcomed the 2017-2018 school year. The newest editions to the Centennial halls fall within schedules, socializing and securing a sticker.

Schedules? Schedules.

Those baby blue sheets of paper that hold our fate for the upcoming year, do we have classes with our best friends, do we have lunch together, look a little bit different this year. Now after 2nd period, everyone had a mandated Advisory period where they will meet on Thursdays and Fridays. Monday through Wednesday the Advisory period is used for tutorials, with each department (English, LOTE, Social Studies, Math, Science) having their own designated tutorial day. Do we like this? Eh. Will it help us in the long run? Probably.
In addition to the new Advisory period, we are no longer allowed to be teacher aids. If you had this on your schedule you were put as a Library or Office Aid for the upcoming school year. Furthermore, if it is crucial that you are a teacher’s aid, you can contact your teacher and they can submit a special request you keep you as an aid, and from there your fate is decided.

Obviously, the most important change this year lies within the changes in Dress Code.

RIPPED JEANS. Do I need to say anymore?

FINALLY, FINALLY, finally, we can wear ripped or distressed denim that is below fingertip length. Which means no more of the dreaded back to school jeans shopping. That, my friends, is a thing of the past. Yet ripped jeans are not the only change to our, now, more liberating dress code. EVERYONE can also wear nose studs (no hoops, but we take what we can get), and also we can have colored hair. No more getting in trouble for your dip-dyed ends or colors that don’t seem completely “natural” to those around us, instead, we can have hair that spans from purple to blue to hot pink to orange, whatever you please.

And the less popular of changes this year doesn’t even occur before we make it through the doors. That’s right, parking fees. Now instead of getting a free parking pass and having to pay $25 for an additional one for a second vehicle, yet we no longer get that privilege. Due to the TRE not passing, students now have to pay $50 to park regardless. If you only need a sticker for spring semester the fee will only be $30. The new regulations for parking are not favorable by the student body, yet here we are. To find out more about the parking rules and the parking stickers you can go to the front office (where you can also pick up your packet).

Though not all of these changes and additions are favorable they balance out in the end and make school a little bit more manageable, or at least attempt to. At least we no longer have to sprint up random stairways to avoid getting dress coded for our “scandalous” jeans and “distracting” appearances, which tries to make up for the less exciting of the changes for 2017-2018.

