School Spirit
September 29, 2017
Homecoming is right around the corner. With homecoming comes tons of ways to show school spirit, like dress up days or mums and garters that show off your school colors. But why is school spirit so important?
I think school spirit is great. Having a lot of school spirit helps you get active and gives you a sense of pride for your school. Plus, people who have school spirit have more fun and come to school happier. So why not have school spirit? We are going to be here four years; you might as well have fun.
Now that we have covered why it is important, let’s talk about how to have school spirit. There are several different ways to show your school you care. One of the biggest is going to the games. You and your friends can go decked out in school merchandise while cheering on our Titans. You can join clubs too; at CHS, we have a ton of clubs ranging from interest to interest. Another great way is to participate in school activities, such as dances and red ribbon week.
So don’t be overwhelmed to show school spirit. Like I said before, there are tons of things you can get involved in. It’s not hard to show your love for your school.

Posters exhibiting spirit around the school.