Choir Region Phase I Audition Results

Laura Nicolescu, Co-Editor-In-Chief

The Centennial Choir Department had a fantastic showing at the All-Region Phase I Auditions this past Tuesday at Prosper High School. Nine out of 21 CHS students competing advanced.

Send a congratulations to the following ladies who advanced from the Phase I Auditions:

Emilee Stubbs

Samantha Benovitz

Dhvanee Shridhar – 1st chair in her room

Niyoosha Talukder

Camille Pardo

Chloe Young

Moraa Kombo – 1st chair in her room

Chandler Tidwell

Sydney Bell

These ladies, combined with our Tenor 1, Tenor 2, and Bass 2 singers will audition in the All-Region Phase II Auditions this Tuesday, Oct. 3 at Lebanon Trail High School. Send them your best as they audition and compete against very talented singers for a place in the All-Region Choirs.