Homecoming 2017
October 17, 2017
Homecoming was this past weekend, and the theme was “Be Our Guest.” We won our game against Wakeland on Friday with the final score being 69-66. It was a very close game, but our Titans prevailed, scoring a winning touchdown in overtime. As well as the game, there was a pep rally during advisory period where the Homecoming court was announced, an extraordinary dance off occurred, and performances from the cheerleaders and the Sweethearts dominated. The winners are as listed:
- Cecelia Keating
- Jonathan Thompson
- Lucy Ladis
- Matt Robinson
- Katelyn Bonvillain
- Ben Stanislav
- Sophie Brooks
- Braden Carlson
The dance was on Saturday. It was a lot of dancing, laughing, and having fun. We were certainly Centennial’s Guest at Homecoming 2017!

Homecoming Decorations around CHS.