The Promises of Prom

Anisha Zaman, Cen10 News Reporter

From Disney Channel shows to Lifetime movies, Prom is everywhere. It’s a staple in American high schools and to many, it is absolutely a rite of passage.

The word  “prom” comes from the word promenade, which can be defined as a formal dance or a ball. In the 18th century, proms were basic parties for the graduating class at American universities, but over time, they evolved into elaborate celebrations for seniors in high school. Prom is seen as a final gathering with the people they’ve known their entire lives before everyone departs their separate ways for college.

It’s bittersweet, and seen as a time for stressed-out seniors to let loose and have fun with their friends for one night. Despite all of these factors that tug at your heartstrings, whether prom is worth it is a very controversial topic. Some people view prom as the best night of one’s young life, while others think it’s a waste of money and time.

Prom is something that everybody deserves to attend. The completion of high school is milestone that deserves to be celebrated, after all. However, instead of having a picture perfect vision of prom as many do, prom should simply be a time to dress up and enjoy a night of fun with your friends.

Movies and TV have given us an unrealistic view of what prom should be. Having the perfect date and the perfect dress are some examples. Others are clichés, like having a flash-mob on the dance floor, finally kissing your lifelong crush, or the transformation of nerds after they remove their glasses and put on some lipstick. Things like this only happen in cinema.

The price of prom is also an issue, but it’s the unnecessary factors that cause it to cost so much, such as renting limos, buying designer dresses, attending costly dinners, and more. In 2015, Visa’s annual prom survey revealed that the average family in the US spends $919 on prom.

You can look great at prom and enjoy it without spending a fortune. Neither does everything have to be perfect. It should simply be a night of fun and dancing with the people you love.