Ducks in a Row

Andrew Essue and Jenny Goon

When walking into Centennial’s main hallway, it is difficult not to notice the bright yellow off to one side; for there lining the window of the truancy office are dozens and dozens of rubber ducks.

Ms. Jody Lyons is well known for hosting a room filled with the colorful rubber ducks. She has around 200 ducks in her office, mainly given to her as gifts. She later decided to collect them, and it has become a passion for her.  She looks for, and finds some of the coolest craziest ducks there are.

“I have close to 200 ducks in my office. I have lots of favorites but my most favorite would have to be my lion duck, because my last name is Lyon.” she said. “I love my snoop doggey duck! And my most favorite would have to be my spider duck.”

The duck craze began with one little pink duck.

“I had a good friend who had a little rubber duck on her desk who used to work here at Centennial, her name was Ms. Powell.” Lyons said. “And I saw it sitting on her desk and said ‘Hey! I like Rubber Ducks!'”

Then a couple of days later Ms. Powell  put a little pink breast cancer awareness duck on Lyons’ desk.

“A couple of weeks later I got another duck, then a few days after that, another duck, and before I knew it we had all these ducks,” Lyons said. “And then my friends started buying ducks for me and then it just became… a passion, I love the ducks.”