2018 Teacher of the Year Winner

Bryce Ford, Cen10 News Reporter

Every year Centennial nominates a teacher for teacher of the year. It is an award for the best of the best. The teacher who is nominated for this award is special to the staff and students of our school. They bring happiness to the classroom and throughout the building. This year that teacher is none other than Mr. Jaime Herran.

His students have a lot to say about him. One of his students, Jason Zhu, said that he is very good at explaining concepts.

“He instilled a passion for physics in all his students,” Zhu said.

Not only does his passion enthrall his students, but also his teaching method. He has a unique way of teaching that helps his students understand.

“You come out of his lessons feeling like you have a more in depth knowledge of the topic,” Harrison Kaster, one of Herran’s students, said.

Students also feel that they can relate to him. He tries to get students engaged on a level they understand and tries to let students know more about him. Zhu elaborated on a activity they do at the end of every week called “stuff I like.”

“‘Stuff I like’ is just basically an invitation for students to learn more about him,” Zhu said.

Mr. Herran has worked hard to ensure his students success. He tries to help students love what he teaches. He truly deserves teacher of the year.

“I think he deserves this award because he makes his class enjoyable,” Kaster said.