The Parking Permit Problem
In recent years, the addition of parking permits haven’t resonated well with the student body at CHS, many viewing them as unnecessary and pricey. Once a student has obtained their driver’s license, they need to provide their license, insurance, and pay a $50 fee in order to park their vehicles on campus for the whole year. There is a penalty for students who don’t abide by these guidelines.
“We have a parking attendant who will initially give out a slip of paper, and progressively, if it’s two, three, or four times, you will eventually get a sticker,” LuAnn Kube, current CHS receptionist, said.
She added that if it’s a continuous situation, there could potentially be holds put on a student’s account in terms of grades and graduating. They also provide leniency towards the beginning of the school year as well as issue multiple notifications to parents and students. While students many not necessarily rally behind the idea of them, there is a reason they were put into place.
“One reason we do have stickers is if there’s ever an incident, and we do have several of those a year, then the cars in question we are able to look up on our records and find out who the owners of the vehicles that are involved are,” she said.
The school only wants vehicles belonging to students, faculty, and visitors parked on campus. However, there are ways around the parking permits. The rules aren’t as solidified as many think.
“If it is a hardship for you as a student, then we have forms to fill out as well,” Kube said.
Parking policies are set at the administrative level and not on every campus, so it wasn’t the school’s decision to implement this change. However, this change will be in place for many school years to come.

I’m 18 years old, and a senior at CHS. This is my second year as the editor-in-chief of Cen10 News and I adore the program and our team. I play the flute...