A battle for the podium! A recap of Centennial’s softball game against district defending champ Heritage
FRISCO, TEXAS- On Friday night, Centennial Varsity softball played against Heritage on March 24, 2023, hoping to bat Heritage off the podium, here’s how the game went.
In the first inning, Centennial was off to a strong start with a one-point lead on the board. Some strong pitches were thrown by Centennial at the start of the game. Later on, a nerve-wracking incident occurred as Centennial’s pitcher, Trinity Stephens was struck by a softball.
After some encouragement from the parents in the stands, teammates, and coaches alike, Stephens stood up again and the game continued. Heritage dominated the first inning scoring point after point after point, with the first inning ending with a score of 9-1.

The second inning was an interesting one as well, with an epic catch from Right Fielder Ava Anzualda. Ultimately, the inning ended 0-0 with neither side securing any points.
The third inning featured many great bats and catches by players on both sides and the game ended 16-1 with Centennial losing the game.

A key moment in the game is the home run hit by Heritage during the game, sending Heritage parents hysterical.
As the game came to a close, Centennial did some reflecting on the good, and the not-so-great.
“Trinity had some great strike-outs, some great hits,” Head coach Mackenzie Reeves said. “We had some great movement of the ball around the field,” adding “I like that we talked [and] we continued to talk throughout the game. We were in the game the entire time no matter what, we supported each other and that’s what I like to see.”
It’s been a tough season for Centennial’s softball team as they’ve been on a losing streak of 0-17. It didn’t help that Centennial was going up against a strong competitor as well.“This is a district defending champ and they’re number one in the district.” Coach Reeves said. However, that hasn’t stopped the team from giving it their all.
“I think that we improved a lot and I think that we saw that we’re just gonna continue to improve on,” Coach Reeves said. Outfielder Kinari Arguijo shared the same sentiments.
“We will always have our ups and downs, but no matter what we will always keep our heads up and look at what we did good and what we can improve on.”
Despite the loss, Centennial still made some great plays. “Our hitting was the highlight of the game!” Arguijo said. “We saw the ball and we got to hit it, we ran as fast as we could to the bases.”
The softball team continues to keep their heads up and focus on the games ahead. “We got a great group of kids that wanna get better and hopefully [we’re] teachin’ life lessons through sports,” Coach Reeves said.
If you want to support the Centennial softball team and cheer on your fellow Titans, be sure to go to their next game on April 4, 2023. You can also visit the Centennial Varsity Softball website to see when they play their next game.

Hi! My name is Darren, and I'm a senior. I'm the Copy Editor for the Titan Times and this is my second year in the program. I'm involved in our school...